Βιογραφικό Χρ. Σιδηρόπουλου

Σιδηρόπουλος Χρήστος, MD, PhD


8/2021 - σήμερα

Ιδιώτης Νευρολόγος, Θεσσαλονίκη

1/2017 - 7/2021

Ειδικός Επιμελητής Νευρολόγος, Michigan State University

1/2020 - 7/2021

Διευθυντής Μονάδας Κινητικών Διαταραχών, Τμήμα Νευρολογίας, Michigan State University

7/2020 - Παρόν

Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής Νευρολογίας, Michigan State University

1/2017 - 6/2020

Επίκουρος Καθηγητής Νευρολογίας, Michigan State University

1/2017 - 2021

Ειδικός Επιμελητής Νευρολόγος - Sparrow Hospital, East Lansing, Michigan

1/2017 - 2021

Ειδικός Επιμελητής Νευρολόγος - McLaren Greater Lansing, Lansing, Michigan

10/2017 - 3/2020

Ειδικός Επιμελητής Νευρολόγος - Bronson Health System, Kalamazoo, Michigan

12/2014 - 12/2016

Επίκουρος Καθηγητής Νευρολογίας, Wayne State University

1/2013 - 12/2016

Ειδικός Επιμελητής Νευρολόγος, Henry Ford Health System


09/1989 - 06/1995

Γυμνάσιο - Λύκειο
Γερμανική Σχολή Θεσσαλονίκης

10/1996 - 07/2002

Ιατρική Σχολή
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Βαθμός: Αριστα (8.90/10)

05/2006 - 06/2011

Διδακτορική διατριβή
"The influence of Val66Met BDNF and ApoE4 polymorphisms on hemispherical and lateral ventricular volumes of young, healthy adults"
Πανεπιστήμιο Erlangen, Γερμανία
Τμήμα Ψυχιατρικής και Ψυχοθεραπείας
Επιβλέπων ο Διευθυντής Καθηγητής Johannes Kornhuber


10/2002 - 1/2003

Τρίμηνη άσκηση στην Εσωτερική Παθολογία, Μαμάτσειο Γενικό Νοσοκομείο Κοζάνης

1/2003 - 1/2004

Υπηρεσία υπαίθρου, Αγροτικό Ιατρείο Βατερού Κοζάνης

2/2004 - 11/2004

Στρατιωτική υπηρεσία και εκπαίδευση σε Μονάδα Πυροβολικού ως Ιατρός Μονάδας, απόλυση ως έφεδρος Ανθυπολοχαγός

4/2005 - 7/2005

Επιστημονικός Συνεργάτης Νευρολογικής Κλινικής, Γενικό Νοσοκομείο Παπαγεωργίου, Θεσσαλονίκη

10/2005 - 4/2007

Άσκηση ως ειδικευόμενος ιατρός στην Ψυχιατρική, Ψυχιατρική και Ψυχοθεραπευτική κλινική, Πανεπιστήμιο του Ερλάνγκεν, Γερμανία

7/2007 - 6/2008

Άσκηση στην Εσωτερική Παθολογία
Henry Ford Hospital,
Ντιτρόιτ, Μίσιγκαν, ΗΠΑ

7/2008 - 6/2011

Ειδικότητα Νευρολογίας
Henry Ford Hospital,
Ντιτρόιτ, Μίσιγκαν, ΗΠΑ

7/2011 - 12/2012

Εξειδίκευση στις κινητικές διαταραχές
Henry Ford Hospital, West Bloomfield Campus
West Bloomfield, Μίσιγκαν, ΗΠΑ

1/2012 - 12/2012

Εξειδίκευση στις κινητικές διαταραχές με έμφαση στην εν τω βάθει ηλεκτρική διέγερση, επιβλέπουσα Assoc. Prof. Elena Moro, Toronto Western Hospital,
Τορόντο, Καναδάς

7/2012 - 12/2012

Εξειδίκευση στη διεγχειρητική νευροφυσιολογία Toronto Western Hospital, Επιβλέπων Assoc. Prof. William Hutchison,
Τορόντο, Καναδάς

Μέλος επιστημονικών εταιρειών και συλλόγων

American Academy of Neurology

International Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Society

American Association Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine

European Academy of Neurology

Parkinson Study Group

American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery

American Association of Neurological Surgeons

Ιατρικός Σύλλογος Θεσσαλονίκης

Dystonia Medical Research Foundation

Professional Advisory Board, Michigan Parkinson Foundation

Ακαδημαϊκή υπηρεσία
Κριτής σε διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά
  • Clinical Neuropharmacology
  • The Neurohospitalist
  • Journal of Parkinson Disease
  • Journal of Medical Case Reports
  • Neurology Clinical Practice
  • Neurology
  • PLoS One
  • Toxins
  • Sensors
  • European Journal of Neurology
  • Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
  • Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
  • Metabolites
  • Journal of Clinical Medicine
  • British Journal of Neurosurgery
  • Chinese Medical Journal
  • Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology.
  • Ad hoc: Movement Disorders Journal
  • International Journal of Molecular Science
  • Parkinsonism and Related Disorders
  • Scientific Reports
  • Brain Sciences
  • CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics
  • Nature Partner Journals Parkinson
  • Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
  • Cells
  • Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders
Επιστημονικό Συμβουλευτικό Μέλος: Abbvie Inc., Boston Scientific Inc, Acorda Therapeutics Inc. Σύμβουλος: Medtronic Inc., Global Kinetics Inc., Boston Scientific Inc. Μέλος διεθνών επιτροπών μελέτης: International Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Society Study Groups: Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus, Functional Movement Disorders, Neurosurgery Special Interest Group.
Διδακτική Εμπειρία

1/2017- 2021     

Michigan State University-ΗΠΑ

Φοιτητές Ιατρικής: Επίβλεψη-Εκπαίδευση στην Κλινική Νευρολογία

(Εκπαίδευση επί ασθενών/Μαθήματα σε μείζονα αντικείμενα της νευρολογίας)

Ειδικευόμενοι Νευρολογίας: Επίβλεψη-Εκπαίδευση στην Κλινική Νευρολογία

(Εκπαίδευση επί ασθενών/Μαθήματα σε μείζονα αντικείμενα της νευρολογίας)


Wayne State University-ΗΠΑ

Φοιτητές Ιατρικής: Επίβλεψη-Εκπαίδευση στην Κλινική Νευρολογία

(Εκπαίδευση επί ασθενών/Μαθήματα σε μείζονα αντικείμενα της νευρολογίας)


Wayne State University-ΗΠΑ

Ειδικευόμενοι Νευρολογίας: Επίβλεψη-Εκπαίδευση στην Κλινική Νευρολογία

(Εκπαίδευση επί ασθενών/Μαθήματα σε μείζονα αντικείμενα της νευρολογίας)

Ειδικευόμενοι Νευροχειρουργικής: Μαθήματα πάνω στις Κινητικές Διαταραχές


University of Toronto-Καναδάς 

Φοιτητές Ιατρικής: Μαθήματα πάνω στην εν τω βάθει ηλεκτρική διέγερση

Μετεκπαιδευόμενοι νευρολόγοι: Journal Clubs και Video Rounds


University of Erlangen-Γερμανία 

Φοιτητές Ιατρικής: Επίβλεψη-Διδασκαλία πάνω στην Κλινική Ψυχιατρική

Μέντορας στη μετεκπαίδευση νευρολόγων στις κινητικές διαταραχές

Heather Herrema DO (Henry Ford Health System)

Michael Schonberger DO (Henry Ford Health System)

Λήψη ιατρικής ειδικότητας νευρολογίας

American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology

Ελληνικό Υπουργείο Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων, Περιφέρεια Ανατολικής Μακεδονίας-Θράκης, 6/2015

Βραβεία /Διακρίσεις


Μαθητικό Βραβείο από την Ελληνική Μαθηματική Εταιρεία


Υποτροφία από την DAAD (Deutsher Akademischer Austauschdienst) για μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές στη Γερμανία


Έφεδρος Ανθυπολοχαγός του Ελληνικού Στρατού


Ειδικευόμενος της χρονιάς με την καλύτερη διδακτική επίδοση, Νευρολογική Κλινική 

Henry Ford Hospital, Ντιτρόιτ, Μίσιγκαν, ΗΠΑ


Υποτροφία για ειδικευόμενους ιατρούς από την Αμερικανική Ακαδημία Νευρολογίας


Ειδικευόμενος της χρονιάς, Νευρολογική Κλινική 

Henry Ford Hospital, Ντιτρόιτ, Μίσιγκαν, ΗΠΑ 


Ειδικευόμενος της χρονιάς με την καλύτερη διδακτική επίδοση, Νευρολογική Κλινική 

Henry Ford Hospital, Ντιτρόιτ, Μίσιγκαν, ΗΠΑ


Υποτροφία από το Πανεπιστήμιο Columbia για παρακολούθηση του Aspen Comprehensive Review of Movement Disorders for the Clinical Practitioner, Aspen, Colorado


Travel grant, Movement Disorders Society


America’s Top Physicians: Consumers’ Research Council of America


Διευθυντής του Κέντρου Αναφοράς, υποστηριζόμενο από την CurePSP, της Νευρολογικής Κλινικής του Πανεπιστημίου Michigan State


Michigan State University, Τμήμα Νευρολογίας και Οφθαλμολογίας


Καλύτερος διδάσκων καθηγητής της χρονιάς

Παροχή ιατρικών υπηρεσιών
Michigan State University
1/2017-7/2021 Τακτικά εξωτερικά ιατρεία Κινητικών Διαταραχών
8/2018-7/2021 Επίβλεψη ειδικευομένων ιατρών στα τακτικά εξωτερικά ιατρεία γενικής νευρολογίας
6/2017-7/2021 Τακτικό εξωτερικό ιατρείο Αλλαντικής Τοξίνης
Sparrow Hospital 
1/2017-6/2021 Επίσκεψη θαλάμου εσωτερικών νευρολογικών ασθενών, 6 εβδομάδες/έτος
McLaren Greater Lansing Hospital
1/2017-6/2021 Επίσκεψη θαλάμου εσωτερικών νευρολογικών ασθενών, 6 εβδομάδες/έτος
Bronson Methodist Hospital 
10/2017-3/2020 Τακτικά μηνιαία εξωτερικά ιατρεία κινητικών διαταραχών
Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital
1/2013-12/2016 Επίσκεψη θαλάμου εσωτερικών νευρολογικών ασθενών: 8 εβδομάδες/έτος
1/2013-12/2016 Τακτικά εξωτερικά ιατρεία Κινητικών Διαταραχών
Μέλος επιτροπών
5/2019-7/2021 Επιτροπή προσλήψεως προσωπικού, Michigan State University, Τμήμα Νευρολογίας
7/2010-6/2011 Επιτροπή Εκπαίδευσης Ειδικευομένων Νευρολογίας, Henry Ford Health System
7/2010-6/2011 Μονάδα Οξέων Εγκεφαλικών Επεισοδίων, Henry Ford Health System
1/2013-12/2016 Επιτροπή Λειτουργίας Εξωτερικών Ιατρείων, Henry Ford Health System
3/2017-1/2021 Συνεπιβλέπων στη Διδακτορική Διατριβή του Philip Desrochers, Michigan State University, Τμήμα Κινητικών Νευροεπιστημων
7/2017-Present Michigan Parkinson Foundation, Επαγγελματική Συμβουλευτική Επιτροπή
9/2021-Present Επιτροπή Καταστατικού, International Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Society
Συμμετοχή σε κλινικές μελέτες
  1. Co-Investigator: Effects of Botulinum Toxin on the afferent input of neuronal circuits in cervical dystonia (HFH IRB #5307), 2010-2016, No funding source.
  2. Principal Investigator: A multiparametric MEG study of neuronal oscillations in PD patients. (HFH IRB #7097), 2012-2013, No funding source.
  3. Co-Investigator: A pilot comparison study comparing bilateral STN DBS using the ANS Libra DBS System with 8 channel lead vs. the ANS Libra DBS System with 4 channel leads in PD, 2012, Funding source: St Jude Medical.
  4. Co-Investigator: Clinical Study Protocol M12-920, An Open-Label, Two Part, Multicenter Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Levodopa-Carbidopa Intestinal Gel (LCIG) for the Treatment of Non-Motor Symptoms in Subjects with Advanced Parkinson's Disease, 2014. Funding source: Abbot Pharmaceuticals.
  5. Principal Site Investigator-Henry Ford Hospital: Efficacy and Safety Study of ADS-5102 (amantadine HCl) Extended Release (ER) Capsules for the Treatment of Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia in Parkinson’s Disease Patients Protocol: ADS-AMT-PD301, 2014-2016. Funding source: Adamas Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
  6. Co-Investigator: A Phase 3, 12-week, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Oral Istradefylline 20 and 40 mg/day as Treatment for Subjects with Moderate to Severe Parkinson’s Disease. 2014 Funding source: Kyowa Pharmaceuticals Inc.
  7. Principal Investigator: A multiparametric MEG study of neuronal oscillations in Generalized Dystonia. (HFH IRB #9460), 2015-2016. Intramural funding.
  8. Principal Investigator: A multiparametric MRI study in Generalized Dystonia. (HFH IRB #9638), 2015-2016. Intramural funding.
  9. Co-Investigator: A Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Study with An Open Label Phase To Determine The Efficacy And Safety Of Tozadenant As Adjunctive Therapy In Levodopa-Treated Patients With Parkinson’s Disease Experiencing End Of Dose “Wearing Off”. Protocol TOZ-CL05. Biotie Inc. (MSU IRB# 17-841F)
  10. Co-Investigator: Evaluation of GNAO1 Encephalopathies (MSU IRB#: 17-755). Investigator initiated.
  11. Co-Investigator: A Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Double- Dummy, Active-Controlled Study Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of Gastric Retentive, Controlled Release Accordion Pill™ Carbidopa/Levodopa (AP-CD/LD) to Immediate Release CD/LD in Fluctuating Parkinson’s Disease Patients. (MSU IRB#16-1093F). Acorda Pharmaceuticals.
  12. Co-Investigator: Attitudes towards earlier use of deep brain stimulation among clinicians and patients with Parkinson’s disease. (MSU IRB#: 17-1144). Investigator initiated.
  13. Co-Investigator: CTH-301 - An Open-Label, Phase 3 Study Examining the Long-Term Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of APL-130277 in Levodopa Responsive Patients with Parkinson’s Disease Complicated by Motor Fluctuations (“OFF” Episodes) Sponsor: Sunovion April 2017-2018
  14. Co-Investigator: A Randomized. Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Phase IIa, Parallel Group, Two-Cohort Study to Define the Safety, Tolerability, and Clinical and Exploratory Biological Activity of the Chronic Administration of Nilotinib in Participants with Parkinson’s Disease Sponsor:  MJFF/Novartis January 2018-2019
  15. Principal Investigator: A Phase 2 Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of BHV-4157 in Patients with Mild to Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease. Sponsor: Biohaven Pharmaceuticals. Protocol BHV4157-203. July 2018-2019.
  16. Principal Investigator: A Phase 4, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Randomized Withdrawal Study to Evaluate the Persistence of Effect and Safety of Valbenazine for the Treatment of Tardive Dyskinesia. Sponsor: Neurocrine Pharmaceuticals. 
  17. Co-PI: A Randomized, Placebo Surgery Controlled, Double-blinded, Multi-center, Phase 2 Clinical Trial, Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of VY-AADC02 in Advanced Parkinson’s Disease with Motor Fluctuations. Voyager Pharmaceuticals. August 2018-2019
  18. Co-Investigator: Evaluation of the Personal KinetiGraph™ (PKG™) to Improve Insight into Parkinson’s Disease Status (APPRISE). Global Kinetics Inc. January 2019-2020
  19. Co-Investigator: A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Group, Multi-Center Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of a Single Treatment of DaxibotulinumtoxinA for Injection in Adults with Isolated Cervical Dystonia (ASPEN-1). Revance Pharmaceuticals. October 2018-2019.
  20. Co-Investigator: Management of Parkinson’s Disease Psychosis in Actual Practice (The INSYTE Study). Acadia Pharmaceuticals. July 2018-2019.
  21. Co-Investigator: Optical Coherence Tomography and Cervical Dystonia. Investigator Initiated. MSU-IRB# 0000-2082. 
  22. Principal Investigator: The utility of a wearable sensor device is assessing Parkinsonian symptoms. A single center experience. MSU-IRB # 0000-2118
  23. Co-Investigator: Upper Limb Interactions in Dystonia MSU-IRB# 0000-2078
  24. Co-Investigator: A Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group, 18-Month Study With an Open-Label Extension Phase to Confirm Safety and Efficacy of BAN2401 in Subjects With Early Alzheimer’s Disease. Eisai Co Ltd.
  25. Co-Investigator: Attitudes Towards Earlier Use of Deep Brain Stimulation Among Clinicians and Parkinson’s Disease Patients. Michigan State University.
  26. Principal Investigator: Abbvie M15-736 Protocol. A Randomized, Double-Blind, Double-Dummy, Active-Controlled Study Comparing the Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of ABBV-951 to Oral Carbidopa/Levodopa in Advanced Parkinson's Disease Patients. Abbvie Pharmaceuticals.
Δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά

Δημοσιεύσεις με κρίση

Reports of Original Work

  1. Alfonso D., Cabrera L., Sidiropoulos C., Wang F., Sarva H. How Parkinson’s patients in the USA perceive Deep Brain Stimulation in the 21st century: Results of a nationwide survey. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. In Press.
  2. Silbergleit A., Sidiropoulos C. Self-Perception of Voice and Swallowing Handicap in Parkinson Disease. Journal of Parkinson Disease. 2021;11(4):2027-2034.
  3. Bluett B., Pantelyat A., Litvan I., Sidiropoulos C., Xie T., Golbe L. et al. Best Practices in the Clinical Management of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Corticobasal Syndrome: A Consensus Statement of the CurePSP Centers of Care. Frontiers In Neurology. 2021 Jul 1;12:694872.
  4. Axeen E., Bell E., Viehoever A., Sidiropoulos C., Schreiber J., Goodkin H. Results of the first GNAO1-related neurodevelopmental disorders caregiver survey. Pediatric Neurology. 2021 Aug;121:28-32.
  5. Cabrera LY, Mitchell SD, Bender A, Tvedten E, Sidiropoulos C., Sarva H. Attitudes toward use and timing of deep brain stimulation: a patient's with DBS perspective. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2021 Apr;203:106553.
  6. Powis Z., Hagman K., Blanco K., Palmaer E., Castro A., Towne M., Sajan S., Radtke K., Feyma T., Juliette K., Tang S., Sidiropoulos C. Clinical Diagnostic Exome Sequencing in Dystonia: Genetic Testing Challenges for Complex Conditions. Clinical Genetics. 2020 Feb;97(2):305-311
  7. Cabrera L., Sarva H., Sidiropoulos C. Perspectives on the Earlier Use of Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease from a Qualitative Study of US Clinicians. World Neurosurgery. 2019 Mar 14. pii: S1878-8750(19)30683-7
  8. Mahajan A., Zillgitt A., Alshammaa A., Patel N., LeWitt P., Sidiropoulos C., Bowyer S. Cervical dystonia and executive function: A pilot magnetoencephalography study. Brain Sciences. 2018 Aug 22;8(9). pii: E159
  9. Rughani A., Schwalb J., Sidiropoulos C., Pilitsis J., Gross R., Alterman R., Hamani C. Congress of Neurological Surgeons Systematic Review and Evidence Based Guideline on Subthalamic Nucleus and Globus Pallidus Internus Deep Brain Stimulation for the Treatment of Patients with Parkinson's Disease: Executive Summary. Neurosurgery. 
    2018 Jun 1;82(6):753-756.
  10. Mahajan A., Alshamaa A., Zillgitt A., Bowyer SM., LeWitt O., Kaminski P., Sidiropoulos C.  The Effect of Botulinum Toxin on Network Connectivity in Cervical Dystonia: Lessons from Magnetoencephalography. Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders (N Y). 2017 Nov 10; 7 :502
  11. Mahajan A., Patel A., Nadkarni G., Sidiropoulos S. Are hospitalized Parkinson’s disease patients more likely to carry a Do-Not-Resuscitate Order? Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 2017 Mar; 37:57-58.
  12. Mestre T., Sidiropoulos C., Poon Y-Y., Hamani C., Lang AE., Lozano AM., Moro E. Long-term outcome of unilateral pedunculopontine area stimulation in Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders.  2016 Oct;31(10):1570-1574.
  13. Sidiropoulos C., Rammo R., Merker B., Mahajan A., LeWitt PA., Kaminski P., Womble M., Zec A., Taylor D., Wall J., Schwalb JM. Intraoperative MRI for deep brain stimulation lead placement in Parkinson’s disease: One-year motor and neuropsychological outcomes. Journal of Neurology. 2016 Jun;263(6):1226-31.
  14. Mahajan A., Balakrishnan P., Patel A., Konstantinidis I., Nistal D., Annapureddy N., Poojary P., Nadkarni G., Sidiropoulos C.  Epidemiology of Inpatient stay in Parkinson’s disease in the United States: Insights from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 2016 Sep; 31:162-5.
  15. Sidiropoulos C., Mestre T., Hutchison W., Moro E., Valencia A., Poon YY., Fallis M., Rughani A., Kalia S., Lozano A., Lang AE. Bilateral pallidal stimulation for sargoglycan epsilon negative myoclonus. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. 2014 Aug;20(8):915-8.
  16. Sidiropoulos C., Walsh R., Meaney C., Poon YY, Fallis M., Moro E. Low frequency subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation for axial symptoms in advanced Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Neurology. 2013 Sep;260(9):2306-11.
  17. Walsh RA, Sidiropoulos C., Lozano AM, Hodaie M, Poon YY, Fallis M, Moro E . Bilateral pallidal stimulation in cervical dystonia: blinded evidence of benefit beyond 5 years. Brain. 2013 Mar; 136(Pt 3):761-9.
  18. Alexopoulos P., Richter-Schmidinger T., Horn M., Maus S., Reichel M., Sidiropoulos C.,   Rhein C., Lewczuk P., Doerfler A., Kornhuber J. Hippocampal volume differences between healthy young Apolipoprotein E2 and E4 carriers. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 2011. 26(2):207-10.
  19. Sidiropoulos C., Jafari-Khouzani K., Soltanian-Zadeh H., Mitsias P., Alexopoulos P., Richter-Schmidinger T., Reichel M., Lewczuk P., Doerfler A., Kornhuber J. Influence of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Apolipoprotein E genetic variants on hemispheric and lateral ventricular volume of young healthy adults. Acta Neuropsychiatrica. 2011;23(3):132-138.
  20. Richter-Schmidinger T., Alexopoulos P., Horn M., Maus S., Reichel M., Rhein C., Lewczuk P., Sidiropoulos C., Kneib T., Perneczky R., Doerfler A., Kornhuber J. Influence of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Apolipoprotein E genetic variants on hippocampal volume and memory performance in healthy young adults. Journal of Neural Transmission. 2011; 118:249-257.

Case Reports

  1. Mitchell S., Albin R., Dauer W., Goudreau J., Sidiropoulos C. Heterozygous VPS13A and PARK2 mutations in a patient with parkinsonism and seizures. Case Reports In Neurology. 2021 Jun 11;13(2):341-346.
  2. Lasky L., Bliss L., Sidiropoulos C. Successful pallidal deep brain stimulation treatment in a case of generalized dystonia due to a novel ANO3 mutation. Case Reports In Neurological medicine. 2019 Nov 29;2019:3154653
  3. Bulica B., Sidiropoulos C., Mahajan A., Zillgitt A., Kaminski P., Bowyer SM. Sensorimotor integration and GABA-ergic activity in embouchure dystonia: an assessment with Magnetoencephalography. Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders (N Y). 2019 Sep 24;9.
  4. Mahajan A., Zillgitt A., Bowyer SM., Sidiropoulos C. Sensory Trick in a Patient with Cervical Dystonia: Insights from Magnetoencephalography. Brain Sciences. 2018 Mar 22;8(4).
  5. Mahajan A., Alshammaa A., Zillgitt A., Bowyer SM., LeWitt P.A., Kaminski P., Sidiropoulos C. The effect of botulinum toxin on network connectivity in Cervical dystonia: lessons from Magnetoencephalography. Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders. 2017 Nov 10; 7:502
  6. Sidiropoulos C., Bowyer S., Zillgitt A., LeWitt P.A., Bagher-Ebadian H., Davoodi-Bojd E., 
    Schwalb J.M., Rammo R., Air E., Soltanian-Zadeh H. Multimodal imaging in a patient with hemidystonia responsive to GPi Deep Brain Stimulation. Case Reports in Neurological Medicine. 2017; 2017:9653520
  7. Girotra T., Mahajan A., Sidiropoulos C. Levodopa Responsive Parkinsonism in Patients with Hemochromatosis: Case Report and Review of the literature. Case Reports in Neurological Medicine. 2017; 2017:5146723
  8. Mahajan A., Sidiropoulos C. TPK1 mutation induced childhood onset idiopathic generalized dystonia: report of rare mutation and effect of Deep Brain Stimulation. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 2017 May 15; 376:42-43
  9. Mahajan A., Constantinou J., Sidiropoulos C. ECHS1 deficiency associated paroxysmal exercise-induced dyskinesia: case presentation and initial benefit of intervention. Journal of Neurology. 2017 Jan;264(1):185-187
  10. Sidiropoulos C., Mubita L., Krstevska S., Schwalb J. Successful Vim targeting for mixed essential and parkinsonian tremor using intraoperative MRI. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 2015 Nov 15;358(1-2):488-9.
  11. Ali R., Pabaney A., Sidiropoulos C., LeWitt P., Schwalb J. Successful management of hemorrhage-associated hemiballism after STN DBS with pallidal stimulation: a case report. World Neurosurgery. 2015 Oct;84(4):1176
  12. Sidiropoulos C., Sripathi N., Nasrallah K., Mitsias P. Oculopalatal tremor, facial myokymia and truncal ataxia in a patient with neurosarcoidosis. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 2014 Dec;21(12):2255-6
  13. Herrema H, Mikkelsen T, Robin A, LeWitt P, Sidiropoulos C. SCA 17 phenotype with intermediate triplet repeat number. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 2014 Oct 15;345(1-2):269-70
  14. Sidiropoulos C., Masani K., Mestre T., Milosevic M., Poon Y-Y., Fallis M., Shah BB., Kalia S.K., Popovic M.R., Lozano A.M., Moro E. Spinal cord stimulation for gait impairment in spinocerebellar ataxia 7. Journal of Neurology. 2014 Mar; 261(3):570-4
  15. Sidiropoulos C., Moro E., Lang A. Extensive intracranial calcifications in a patient with a novel polymerase gamma-1 mutation. Neurology. 2013 Jul 9;81(2):197-8
  16. Sidiropoulos C., Hutchison  W., Mestre T., Moro E. , Prescott I., Valencia Mizrachi A, Fallis M., Rughani A., Kalia S.,  Lozano A., Fox S. Bilateral pallidal stimulation for Wilson’s disease. Movement Disorders. 2013 Aug;28(9):1292-5
  17. Sidiropoulos C., Lewitt P, Hashimoto K. Abnormal apocrine secretory cell mitochondria in a Huntington disease patient. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 2011;323(1-2):261-3
  18. Khan M, Sidiropoulos C., Mitsias P. Unilateral thalamic infarction presenting as vertical gaze palsy: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2011; 5:535

Review Articles

  1. Mitchell SD, Sidiropoulos C. Therapeutic Applications of Botulinum Neurotoxin for Autonomic Symptoms in Parkinson's Disease: An Updated Review. Toxins (Basel). 2021 Mar 19;13(3):226.
  2. Desrochers P., Brunfeld A., Sidiropoulos C., Kagerer F. Sensorimotor Control in Dystonia. Brain Sciences. 2019 Apr 11;9(4). pii: E79
  3. Feng H., Khalil S., Neubig RR. Sidiropoulos C. A Mechanistic review of GNAO1 associated movement disorder. Neurobiology of Disease. 2018 Aug; 116:131-141. 
  4. Sidiropoulos C., Walsh R, Meoni S., Moro E. Surgical treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Current Treatment Options In Neurology. 2012; 14(3):211-2
  5. Lenz B, Sidiropoulos C., Bleich S, Kornhuber J. Frontotemporal dementia: neurotransmitter and clinical symptoms with focus on therapeutic targets. Fortschritte Neurologie Psychiatrie. 2009;77(5):289-94

Letters to the Editor

  1. Sidiropoulos C. Gaps, Controversies, and Proposed Roadmap for Research in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus. Mov Disord. 2021 Apr;36(4):1043.
  2. Sidiropoulos C. Reader Response: Deep Brain Stimulation in Early-Stage Parkinson Disease: Five-Year Outcomes. Neurology. 2021 Mar 23;96(12):591-592.
  3. Sidiropoulos C. Beware of deep water after subthalamic deep brain stimulation. Disputes & Debates: Editors’ Choice. Neurology. 2020 Oct 20;95(16):759-760.
  4. Sidiropoulos C. Quality of life predicts outcome of deep brain stimulation in early Parkinson disease. Disputes & Debates: Editors’ Choice. Neurology. 2020 Mar 3;94(9):412. 
  5. Sidiropoulos C. DBS of the PSA and the VIM in essential tremor: A randomized, double-blind, crossover trial. Disputes & Debates: Editors’ Choice. Neurology. 2019 May 14;92(20):975. 
  6. Sidiropoulos C. Clinical outcomes of asleep vs awake deep brain stimulation for Parkinson disease. Disputes & Debates: Editors’ Choice. Neurology. 2018 Jul 31;91(5):239-240.
  7. Sidiropoulos C. LeWitt PA. STN vs GPi: The jury is still out. WriteClick®: Editor’s Choice. Neurology. 2016. Aug 16;87(7):745-6
  8. Sidiropoulos C. Low-frequency subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson's disease. WriteClick®: Editor’s Choice. Neurology. 2015. Aug 11;85(6):557
  9. Sidiropoulos C., Moro E. Low-frequency subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders. Movement Disorders. 2014 Oct; 29(12):1569
  10. Sidiropoulos C. Bilateral pallidal stimulation for Wilson’s disease: Author’s reply. Movement Disorders. Movement Disorders. 2014 Jul;29(8):1089-90


  1. Zeuner K., Sidiropoulos C. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in functional tremor: A promising treatment approach. Neurology. 2019 Nov 5;93(19):825-826.
  2. Cabrera LY., Goudreau JL., Sidiropoulos C. A critical appraisal of the recent U.S. FDA approval for earlier DBS intervention. Neurology. 2018 Jul 17;91(3):133-136
  3. Sidiropoulos C., LeWitt P., Localizing imbalance in progressive supranuclear palsy. Is the thalamus the “fall guy”? Neurology. 2011; 77(2):92-3

Κεφάλαια σε βιβλία

  1. Politi M., Sidiropoulos C. Cerebral Venous Thrombosis. In Ntaios, Vemmos, Milionis et al. Hellenic Stroke Organization. Litsas Publishing.
  2. Sidiropoulos C., Moro E., Krack P. DBS programming for dystonia. In Dressler, Altenmüller & Krauss. Treatment of Dystonia. Cambridge University Press.
  3. Sidiropoulos C., Moro E. DBS for Parkinson’s disease. In Vitek et al. Deep Brain Stimulation. Future Science Group. E-Book.
  4. Sidiropoulos C., Mitsias PD. Diffusion Imaging. In Borsook et al. The Migraine Brain. Oxford University Press. 
  5. Sidiropoulos C., Mitsias PD. Headache associated with hormonal fluctuations. In: Gilman S, editor. MedLink Neurology. San Diego: MedLink Corporation. Available at www.medlink.com. Accessed August 2011.

Ελεύθερες ανακοινώσεις σε διεθνή συνέδρια

  1. Axeen E., Viehoever A., Sidiropoulos C., Schreiber J., Goodkin H. Characteristics of epilepsy as determined by GNAO1 International Registry Survey. American Epilepsy Society Virtual Event 2020.
  2. Potter A., Sidiropoulos C. Personal Kinetigraph and Deep Brain Stimulation with Parkinson’s Disease. Abstracts of the 23rd International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Philadelphia, USA, September 2020. Virtual Congress.
  3. Axeen E., Viehoever A., Sidiropoulos C., Schreiber J., Goodkin H. Results of the GNAO1 International Registry Survey. Abstracts of the 16th International Child Neurology Congress, San Diego, CA, October 2020. Virtual Congress.
  4. Silbergleit A., Boettcher E., Turnbull J., Schultz L., Sidiropoulos C., Konnai R. 
    Self-Perception of Dysphagia Before and After Botulinum Toxin Injection for Cervical Dystonia. Abstracts of the 23rd International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Philadelphia, USA, September 2020. Virtual Congress.
  5. Silbergleit A., Sidiropoulos C. et al. Use of the Dysphagia Handicap Index (DHI) to determine onset of self-perceived dysphagia in Parkinson disease. Abstracts of the 2019 Dysphagia Research Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2019
  6. Mahajan A., Zillgitt A., Alshammaa A., Patel N., Sidiropoulos C., Bowyer S., Cervical Dystonia and Visual Processing Speed: Insights from Magnetoencephalography. Abstracts of the 143rd Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association, Atlanta, GA, USA, October 2018.
  7. Cabrera L., Sharma H. Sidiropoulos C. Attitudes toward earlier use of deep brain stimulation among patients with Parkinson’s disease. Abstracts of the 21st International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Hong Kong, China, September 2018.
  8. Desrochers P., Brunfeldt A., Sidiropoulos C., Neubig R., Kagerer F. Quantitative assessment of sensorimotor control in humans with GNAO1 gene mutations: a case study. Progress in Clinical Motor I. July 2018. DOI 10.13140.
  9.  Powis Z., Hagman K., Blanco K., Palmaer E., Castro A., Tang S., Sidiropoulos C. Clinical Diagnostic Exome Sequencing in Dystonia: The Challenges of Genetic Testing for Complex Conditions. 2018 Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting. Charlotte, NC, USA, April 2018.
  10. Mahajan A., Bowyer S., Zillgitt A., LeWitt P., Kaminski P., Sidiropoulos C. A Pilot Magnetoencephalographic Study of coherence in cervical dystonia and Meige syndrome. (2018) 31st annual symposium on etiology, pathogenesis, and treatment of Parkinson disease and other movement disorders: Presented by the Parkinson study group, Huntington study group, Dystonia study group, Tourette syndrome study group, Cooperative ataxia group, and tremor research group. Jersey City, NJ, May 2018
  11. Silbergleit A., Sidiropoulos C., Konnai R., Schultz L., Kitowski A., LeWitt PA. Self-perception of dysphagia in Parkinson’s disease. Abstracts of the 20th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Vancouver, Canada, June 2017.
  12. Mahajan A., Bowyer S., Zillgitt A., LeWitt P., Kaminski P., Sidiropoulos C. A Pilot Multiparametric MEG Study of coherence in generalized and cervical dystonia. Abstracts of the 20th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Vancouver, Canada, June 2017.
  13. Mahajan A., Bowyer S., Zillgitt A., Sidiropoulos C. Sensory trick in a dystonic patient: insights from Magnetoencephalogram. Abstracts of the 20th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Vancouver, Canada, June 2017.
  14. Liu S., Sidiropoulos C. Two Cases of Thiamine Pyrophosphokinase Mutation Identified in the United States. Abstracts of the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Boston, MA, USA, April 2017.
  15. Mahajan A., Bowyer S., Zillgitt A., LeWitt P., Kaminski P., Sidiropoulos C. A Multiparametric MEG Study of the effect of medications on Neuronal Oscillations in Generalized or Cervical dystonia. Abstracts of the 1st Congress of the International Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Society-Pan-American Section, Miami, Florida, February 2017.
  16. Mahajan, A., Sidiropoulos, C. Enlarged Perivascular-Like Spaces at 3T as an MRI Sign of Multiple System Atrophy. Abstracts of the 141st Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association, Baltimore, MD, USA. Published in Annals of Neurology (Vol. 80, pp. S136-S136).
  17. Mahajan A., Patel A., Nadkarni G., Sidiropoulos C. Do-not-resuscitate utilization in inpatient Parkinson's disease in the United States. Abstracts of the 19th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Berlin, Germany, June 2016.
  18. Mahajan A., Sidiropoulos C. Myoclonus Dystonia: a report of two rare mutations. Abstracts of the 19th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Berlin, Germany, June 2016.
  19. Sidiropoulos C., Bowyer S., Zillgitt A., LeWitt P, Bagher-Ebadian H.,  Davoodi-Bojd  E., Schwalb J., Soltanian-Zadeh H. Multi-parameter imaging in hemidystonia responsive to GPi deep brain stimulation. Abstracts of the 19th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Berlin, Germany, June 2016.
  20. Silbergleit AK., Wall J., Schultz L., Konnai R., Sidiropoulos C., LeWitt PA. Self-perception of vocal handicap in Parkinson disease: a pilot study. Abstracts of the 19th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Berlin, Germany, June 2016.
  21. Girotra T., Sidiropoulos C. Amantadine responsive Isolated Dropped Head Syndrome.    Abstracts of the 140th Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association, Chicago, USA, September 2015.
  22. Sidiropoulos C., Merker B., LeWitt P., Mahajan A., Schonberger M.,  Ellenbogen A., Taylor D., Wall J., Schwalb J. Intraoperative MRI for deep brain stimulation lead placement in Parkinson’s disease: One year motor and neuropsychological outcomes. Abstracts of the 18th  International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, San Diego, USA, June 2015.
  23. Mahajan A., Schwalb J., LeWitt P., Schonberger M., Ellenbogen A., Taylor D., Wall J., Sidiropoulos C. Intraoperative MRI for deep brain stimulation lead placement in Parkinson’s disease: One year motor and quality of life outcomes. Abstracts of the 18th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, San Diego, USA, June 2015.
  24. Schonberger M., Sidiropoulos C., LeWitt P. Familial impulse control disorders associated with dopamine agonist therapy for RLS. Abstracts of the 18th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, San Diego, USA, June 2015.
  25. Herrema H., LeWitt PA., Sidiropoulos C. A novel mutation resulting in a mild phenotype of spinocerebellar ataxia 13. Abstracts of the 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2014.
  26. Herrema H., Mikkelsen T., Robin A., LeWitt PA., Sidiropoulos C. SCA 17 phenotype with borderline triplet repeat number. Abstracts of the 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2014.
  27. Moro E., Sidiropoulos C., Poon Y.Y, Zurowski, Cohn M, Duff-Canning S., So J., Fox S., Hutchison WD, Fallis M., Hodaie M. A pilot comparison study comparing bilateral STN DBS using the ANS Libra DBS System with 8 channel lead vs. the ANS Libra DBS System with 4 channel leads in PD Abstracts of the 16th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Sydney, Australia, June 2013.
  28. Sidiropoulos C., LeWitt P., Taylor D., Gorham J., Merker B., Kaminski P., Schwalb J. Intraoperative MRI for deep brain stimulation electrode positioning in Parkinson's disease Abstracts of the 16th  International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Sydney, Australia, June 2013 Movement Disorders 2013; 28:S459-S459. 
  29. Sidiropoulos C., Schwalb J., Gorham J., Taylor D., Bowyer S., LeWitt P. Bilateral thalamic Vim DBS for orthostatic tremor: New insights and literature review. Abstracts of the 15th  International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Dublin, Ireland, June 2012 Movement Disorders 2012; 27:S324-S324.
  30. Sripathi N., Grover K., Sidiropoulos C., Bowyer S. Effects of Botulinum Toxin therapy on the sensorimotor feedback loop in cervical dystonia. Abstracts of the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, New Orleans, April 2012 Neurology 2012; 78.
  31. Sidiropoulos C., Nasrallah K., Sripathi N., Mitsias P. Oculopalatal tremor, facial myokymia and truncal ataxia in a patient with neurosarcoidosis. Annual Meeting of the Michigan Neurological Association, Plymouth, MI, August 2011.
  32. Sidiropoulos C., LeWitt P., Hashimoto K.  Abnormal apocrine sweat gland mitochondria in Huntington’s disease. Abstracts of the 14th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Toronto, Canada, June 2011 Movement Disorders 2011; 26:S63-S64. 
  33. Sripathi N.,  Grover S., Sidiropoulos C., Jain J., Barkley G., Bowyer S. Botulinum therapy modifies afferent neuronal input in cervical dystonia. Abstracts of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, Honolulu, HI, April 2011 Neurology 2011; 76(9): A331-A331.
  34. Sidiropoulos C., Nasrallah K., Sripathi N., Mitsias P. Oculopalatal tremor, facial myokymia and truncal ataxia in a patient with neurosarcoidosis. 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, Honolulu, HI. Neurology 2011; 76(9): A590-A590.

Δημοσιεύσεις σε περιοδικά χωρίς κριτή

  1. Weih M, Wiltfang J, Sidiropoulos C. Frontotemporale Demenzen. Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie up2date. 2007;1:89-102.

Προσκεκλημένος Ομιλητής

  1. Sidiropoulos C. Φαρμακοεπαγώμενες κινητικές διαταραχές-όψιμη δυσκινησία. Ημέρες 
    Νευρολογίας, Βόλος, Νοέμβριος 2021, Υβριδικό συνέδριο.
  2. Sidiropoulos C. Precision Medicine in Movement Disorders. Grand Rounds. Virtual. Sparrow Hospital, Lansing, MI. November 2020.
  3. Sidiropoulos C. Precision Medicine in Movement Disorders. Grand Rounds. Virtual. Ascenscion Hospital, Southfield, MI. October 2020.
  4. Sidiropoulos C. Updates in Deep Brain Stimulation for Movement Disorders.Spectrum Health    System Grand Rounds. Virtual presentation. June 2020.
  5. Sidiropoulos C. Non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. Translational Science Series. Michigan State University. Grand Rapids, MI, June 2019
  6. Sidiropoulos C. Non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. Burcham Hills Rehabilitation Facility Parkinson’s Disease Dialogue Group. East Lansing, MI, June2019.
  7. Sidiropoulos C. Non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. MSUCOM Fall Kaleidoscope: CME Clinical Update. Bath Township, MI, September 2018.
  8. Sidiropoulos C. Managing non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s. Michigan Parkinson Foundation Patient Symposium in Conjunction with Grand Challenges in Parkinson’s Disease. Grand Rapids, MI, September 2017.
  9. Sidiropoulos C., Therapeutic Advances in Parkinson’s Disease. Spectrum Health System  Parkinson’s Summit. Grand Rapids, MI, September 2017.
  10. Sidiropoulos C., Medication Management in Parkinson’s Disease. Lecture Series Supported by the Michigan Parkinson Foundation, Battle Creek, MI, June 2017.
  11. Sidiropoulos C. DBS for Movement Disorders. Neurology Grand Rounds. Bronson’s Methodist Hospital. Kalamazoo, MI, May 2017.
  12. Sidiropoulos C. DBS for Movement Disorders. Neurology Grand Rounds. Sparrow Hospital, MI, January 2017.
  13. Sidiropoulos C. DBS programming strategies for dystonia. Henry Ford West Bloomfield Dystonia Symposium. September 2016.
  14. Sidiropoulos C. Schwalb J. Updates on Deep Brain Stimulation for Movement Disorders. Neurology and Neurosurgery Grand Rounds. Henry Ford Hospital. February 2014.
  15. Sidiropoulos C. Schwalb J. Deep Brain Stimulation for Movement Disorders. Internal Medicine Grand Rounds. Henry Ford Hospital. February 2014.
  16. Sidiropoulos C. Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s disease. Michigan State Medical   Society Annual Spring Meeting. May 2013.
  17. Sidiropoulos C. Deep Brain Stimulation: From Neurology to Neuropsychiatry. Neurology and Neurosurgery Grand Rounds. Henry Ford Hospital. May 2011.
  18. Sidiropoulos C. Dementia: A diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Internal Medicine Grand Rounds. Henry Ford Hospital. December 2010.
  19. Sidiropoulos C. Dementia: A diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Family Medicine Grand Rounds. Henry Ford Hospital. December 2010.
Υπεύθυνος επιστημονικων ημερίδων
  1. Michigan State University Dystonia Symposium. CME and Patient Event. East Lansing, MI, September 2017.
  2. Henry Ford Dystonia Symposium. CME and Patient Event. West Bloomfield, MI, September 2016.
  3. 2019 Michigan State University Movement Disorders Conference. CME and Patient Event. East Lansing, MI, September 2019