The online Medical Counseling for Second Medical opinion is an internationally accepted medical practice as high specialization is the cornerstone of optimal treatment.

The rapidly evolving therapeutic protocols for enteral or subcutaneous infusions, oral drugs, as well as the impressive results of interventional therapies, are important “weapons” in the quiver of the modern, experienced Neurologist. The treatment of neurological diseases is changing rapidly, and all patients have the right to benefit from new treatments. But who determines the suitability of each patient, depending on his/her condition, for these new treatments?

The answer is clear: The specialized Neurologist who knows exactly the protocols of good practice for the implementation of new neurological therapies and has the corresponding clinical experience. The online examination concerns the provision of services:

In patients with motor disorders who desire a second, specialized neurological assessment.

In patients who are in an area that does not have a specialized in Motor Disorders and Treatments, Neurologist

• To patients who are not easy to move over long distances.

Patients whose immediate relatives are far away but who want to ensure the best possible medical care for their beloved one.

If there are special reasons of confidentiality in the area where you live.


You send us the tests and the online medical “visit” takes place. Dr. Ch. Sidiropoulos sends a medical opinion and treatment in writing, which you can also demonstrate to your Neurologist. Only if we inform you that the reasons for the visit are better met in-person and you wish, the patient’s examination takes place in Thessaloniki. In particular, the suitability check for interventional treatments is done only after a clinical evaluation and investigation by the Doctor himself.

For the online medical examination fill in the fields and submit the fee for the visit, for Dr. Ch. Sidiropoulos to review your records and book you an appointment. A telephone estimate without the specific procedure presented in the adjacent column is not acceptable.