
Chorea is an involuntary, dance-like, purposeless, repetitive, large amplitude, movement, flowing from one body part to another.

A common and severe chorea is Huntington’s chorea, which can be confirmed by genetic testing.

Other forms of chorea can be drug-induced, like tardive dyskinesia, caused by antipsychotic medications, autoimmune or genetic. Diagnosis and treatment are managed by a neurologist with expertise in movement disorders.

Picture of Christos Sidiropoulos, MD, PhD, FAAN

Christos Sidiropoulos, MD, PhD, FAAN

Associate Professor of Neurology, Michigan State University, USA
Specialist in Parkinson’s Disease, Movement Disorders & Dementias.
16 years of training and specialization in the USA, Germany & Canada.
Specialist in the use of Botulinum Toxin for neurological disorders.
Tremendous experience in the assessment for patient candidacy for Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for Movement Disorders and patient follow up.

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